Saturday, October 29, 2011

back in the game!!!

Rooster sketch, after R. Schmid painting
About 15 min. pencil on paper

Just wanted to let ya'll know the leak is fixed (or at least, the roofers have been here and charged us big bucks to do the work!).  We have a new keyboard, and I can finally use this computer again.  Don't have any paintings to share yet, but am working on a few.  
Meanwhile, here's a quick sketch done in the car on the way to the Grand Canyon last weekend.  It is very hard to draw something you see out the window - objects tend to go by really fast, ever notice that?  So I was browsing through my copy of Alla Prima by Richard Schmid, and sketched these roosters from his fabulous painting of poultry. That panting is pure poultry .... er, uh, POETRY ...

More stuff to come soon!!!

1 comment:

Judy P. said...

Great that you're back in the game! Neat sketches, I really wish I were that fast at it.
Loving your 120 series, your Comment setting on that blog doesn't let me in easily.
If you can give a quick description of your panel-making I'll bet it would help others out alot.