Sunday, April 12, 2009

Portrait Studies

There is just nothing easy about painting people - or at least doing it well. I'll be the first to admit I have a long way to go to develop this skill.  And one thing that is just absolutely necessary is to practice, practice, practice.
So, in my "spare" time,
I am doing just that.. and I've put a new folder on my website for some of these portrait studies.
They're not intended to be finished paintings, but
I figure the more I do, the more I'll learn.  Hopefully, after a few dozen or so, maybe I'll notice some small progress!  I've already learned something. Painting the smooth skin of a child, like this girl with the head wrap, is really difficult - unlike the wrinkled features of the old man, where choppy brushstrokes would work. The girl's features really had me working to smooth edges and keep value changes correct.  
More to come!

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