What is this, you ask? Well, this is my part of "the big picture".
As you can see from the title, this project is called Le Cadeau du Cheval, "The Horse Gift". It is a humongous mural mosaic containing 238 separate equine paintings which together will create one large mural image of horses.
How does it work?
The entire mural is painted with the overall image, divided into separate square panels and then each artist is given one of those panels to paint. This is my panel. #200 on the grid.
The challenge is to create a horse painting, staying within the same tonal range, colors, and patterns.
As you can see, my panel is slightly challenging.
I've got mostly purples, lavenders and pinks, with two very definite dark brown shapes along the right edge. Definite shapes have to be maintained, as they usually indicate an edge in the overall mural. And, I have to maintain that overall lavender color and indicate some of those swooping color patterns in the final image..
I will be documenting the progress on this, from start to finish. This is a fabulous project overall, and I'm thrilled to be a part of it. The mosaic will be unveiled in September at the international equine event- The Masters at Spruce Meadows in Calgary AB, Canada. Hundreds of artists have created individual panels, each in their own unique style, all working together to create this legacy mural in honor of the spirit of the horse. For more information, and to see the equine mural in progress as artists turn in their panels, (and to see some other fabulous mosaics) go to
So, this is where I start. Any ideas out there?
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